Outweighted !

No no no ! I cannot be like that ! I'm alone but alive, and eating to bad like I do, it's to dangerous ! So, diet ! But not with pharma-food, just vegetables, good thinking and sport ! Laura want I ran with her in the park, so, come on sexy girl, I want that !


KiEra said...

and now you ran with me, outside and inside.

ThE JaDaVErSE said...

tssss... you're perfect Jess!

BRinKo said...

shame on you! you stop five times to the starbucks!!!

LyNa said...

you... outweighted??? It's just a fake for running just behind the Laura booty!!!

Anonymous said...

becareful, vasculars are so fast.

Lionie Secret Chest said...

no! you're healthy Jess!